

The Other Side of "Christianity Lite"

I was present for a baptism at another church building last week.  A woman had attended worship services  the Sunday before.  She had been a member of a popular denomination but gradually came to realize that something was missing.  She said, “I want to find a group of people who actually teach the Bible.  I need Bible study.”  So, the small gathering present welcomed her into the family of God.

This wonderful event reminded me of another less encouraging conversation I had with someone last year.  This person was crowing about their church’s outreach to the needy.  They made regular deliveries of food, clothing and other supplies to a local shelter.  I just listened politely as it was not the time or place for a debate.  I have since learned this person no longer attends worship services; his marriage is in serious jeopardy; and it was reported that during his time with that church he never cracked a Bible. 

Much of Christianity has caved into the pressure to be popular, to amuse and entertain, to engage in political causes and social services – all in an attempt to camouflage their identity as religious bodies.  Their goal is to draw crowds.  They justify the coffee and pastries, the basketball and lock-ins, the camps and secular education on the basis that those things appeal to the masses.  But the tail is now wagging the dog.  The spiritual is downplayed while deep, contemplative study of Scripture is, in many cases, neglected. Thus, we have witnessed the birth of “Christianity Lite.”

The only positive thing about this trend is that some good, insightful people will eventually see through the charade and search for real Christianity.  But others will tragically come to realize that such feel-good, social work has not equipped them to deal with life’s real issues.  They will not be able to cope with things like a serious illness, a job loss, a tragedy or something else that challenges what they know about God and the strength and hope that are to be found in Him.

The elders at Centreville are devoted to keeping this congregation focused on pure, reverent worship; in-depth Bible study; humble service to one another and being a beacon of hope to those who have tried Christianity Lite and found it wanting.  We will remain dedicated to defending the unadulterated gospel of Christ.  We have no intention of abandoning our spiritual mission for a carnal sideshow.  Do not be ashamed of simple, true Christianity.  The grass is not greener across the denominational fence; it’s just weeds.