

Why Should the Work Cease? - 2

So, what can we learn about leadership in the midst of conflict from Nehemiah?   

Note the nature of the conflict and react accordingly.  Conflict from without can unify brethren.  Witness the impact of persecution or opposition, whether here or in the efforts of New Testament Christians.  Threats can provide opportunities for good leaders to “circle the wagons,” to rally saints to courage and defense and activity (1 Thes. 1.6f).  Good leaders move disciples to pick up their swords with one hand and their hammers with the other.  On the other hand, leaders need to see clearly the potential division when threats come from among God’s people.  Whether the issue be deceptive teachers (1 Tim. 1.3f), ambitious egoists (3 Jn. 9), issues of maturity (Rom. 14-15; 1 Cor. 8-11), or disobedient disciples (1 Cor. 5.1f; 2 Thes. 3.11f), a good leader needs the wisdom to see the possible impact.  Problems from within tend to polarize brethren as folks forsake God’s will and look to their own, soliciting support from friends and family.  Self-justification often supersedes honest evaluation and personal loyalties often supersede spiritual brotherhood. 

Sometimes, unfortunately, division will occur no matter the foresight and wisest efforts of good leaders.  But a failure of perception is never profitable.  It is important to identify the threat, appreciate the potential of such, and react accordingly.  Souls are at stake.

God’s will must always be at the fore.  Those who lead God’s people do so with one thought in mind:  to glorify God.  Such was the work of Christ (Jn. 17.4) and such is the work of God’s people, regardless of the covenant under which they live or have lived (1 Pet. 2.9-12; Ex. 19.5-6).  And while we are prone to think that God is ultimately glorified in the salvation of souls, there is a sense in which God is glorified in His justice as well.  We are to uphold the will of God, no matter the outcome.  Those who submit to such and become His eternal children stand as a testimony to His glorious grace and mercy.  But those who refuse such stand as a testimony to His glorious grace and justice.  God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezek. 18.30-32; 33.1-20; 2 Pet. 3.9f).  Nonetheless, those who obstinately turn away from God’s provisions fall under His righteous retribution (2 Thes. 1.6-10).  Thus the instructions todeliver such a one to Satan…purge out the old leaven (1 Cor. 5.1-7).  Hopefully, such extreme action will lead to repentance.  But if not, it is imperative that we stand for truth.  Leaders who compromise God’s word are neither saving souls nor glorifying God.  Such a goal must be the clear aim of leaders in the midst of conflict.  And we should be praying to that end – that souls might be saved, yes, but ultimately that God might be honored by our actions.

We cannot hide from, avoid, placate, or tolerate threats to God’s work and people.  Ours is an age of subjectivism and toleration.  We are discouraged from holding to objective truth and the necessary conflict that arises from such.  Jesus noted the practical impact of His work – I did not come to bring peace, but a sword (Mt. 10.34).  That reality does not sell well in our ecumenical world.  Culture would influence God’s leaders to appease those who prompt conflict – to promote a “unity in diversity” mindset.  There is clearly some diversity among God’s people – different backgrounds, talents, levels of maturity, understanding, etc.  But whatever stands opposed to the clearly revealed will of God simply cannot be swept under the rug.  The issues that threaten us are real.  Immorality, sexual perversion and pervasion, immodesty, dishonesty, intemperance (particularly involving drugs/alcohol), divorce – these are matters that are destroying society.  And they are sins that have always challenged God’s people.  Leaders must confront them as surely as they were an armed enemy outside the walls.  Granted, we are to confront such problems with meekness, caution, humility, gentleness, and love (Gal. 6.1f).  And the outcome of our efforts may bring loss and heartbreak rather than repentance and rejoicing.  But we cannot turn a blind eye to the source of conflict.  We cannot let Satan overrun the camp.

We should prayerfully plan our response.  Nehemiah is repeatedly seen conferring with other leaders among God’s people (Neh. 2.15-18; 4.9,14, 19; 5.7f).  Moreover, he does not act hastily, often praying to God (Neh. 1.5; 4.4,9; 5.19) and pausing to study the situation before him (Neh. 2.12-15).  He is also noted as giving serious thought to his action (Neh. 5.7).  God’s leaders are to be wise men – experienced men; men given to reflection; men who have wisdom; men familiar with and dedicated to God’s will; men who confer and discuss and consider their actions with other qualified leaders.  Such strategy is seen in the demands of 1 Tim.3.1f and Titus 1.3f ; the examples of Acts 6 and Acts 15; the instructions of 1 Tim. 4.12f; 5.1fJames 1.19 cautions us to be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.  Such is sound and powerful advice for those who must determine a godly course of conduct in the midst of dangerous conflict.  Prayer, meditation, and wise counsel are invaluable tools when difficulty stands at the gates.

Conflict must not stop our work.  Nehemiah had returned to Jerusalem with a job to do, and he refused to allow anything to stop his work.  Leaders among God’s people are trying to bring lost people to redemption; to bring babes to maturity; to edify the brethren; to support the weak; to comfort the feebleminded; to warn the unruly; to reprove, rebuke, exhort; to equip saints for the work of ministry; to watch for souls.  As Nehemiah noted in Neh. 6.3, we are doing a great work.  Conflict, whether internal or external, can distract us from our goals.  It is easy to become absorbed, consumed, obsessed with problems and difficulties and forget that there is an ongoing effort to be made.  As above, we cannot stick our head in the sand when difficulties arise, but neither can we make a conflict the center and circumference of our work …

Leadership is demanding, and those who aspire to such simply for the recognition it brings often have no clue of the difficulties.  Nonetheless, those like Nehemiah who are devoted to God and His people, do not shy away from the challenges, even when those challenges come in the form of conflict.  God help us to do our work, and do it well.