

Out of the Closet

The phrase “out of the closet” refers to things that were once taboo now being done out in the open. It seems the term was first coined relative to homosexual behavior, previously a scandalous and shameful practice now deemed socially acceptable, even normal. Television commercials and other marketing now openly cater to gay lifestyles. HGTV features gay couples shopping for houses with a frequency far above their average in society. Homosexuality is not only out of the closet, it is celebrated. And woe be to the politician or other public figure who dares to say anything negative against it no matter how factual it may be.

But this is not the only thing out of the closet: transgenderism, vile speech, marijuana usage, violent protest … it is now in vogue to be bold, brash, shamelessly indulgent and proud of one’s deviancy. We are witnessing firsthand what happens when a society loses its moral inhibitions.

My concern is that such trends threaten to compromise the convictions of God's people. The more wickedness is mainstreamed as normal, the less repulsed we are by it. The less repulsed, the more accepting we are. The more accepting, the less we oppose it. Gradually, almost imperceptibly, God’s way begins to appear extreme, antiquated, backward. We might be embarrassed by a sermon denouncing the sinfulness homosexuality. Then we might legitimize the family member or friend who claims to be transgendered. Eventually we might find ourselves advocating and doing what we once held to be wrong. We must never underestimate Satan’s ability to compromise our values. He is effectively doing this to our entire culture.