

How Jesus Was Misunderstood

“It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” (John 2:20)š›

Usually when people are called to account for their words they cry, “I was misunderstood/misquoted/taken out of context.”  And perhaps that is true some of the time, but other times some have been understood clearly but are now embarrassed to be confronted on their position.

Jesus was misunderstood a lot, but never was the miscommunication His fault.  Rather, He spoke a spiritual message that was incomprehensible to carnal people.  They simply couldn’t process the true meaning of His words because their whole thought system was worldly.

Early in Jesus’ ministry He anticipated His eventual death and resurrection and addressed it in figurative terms.  He spoke of His body as a temple and vowed that when the Jews destroyed it, He would raise it again (Jn 2:19).  This truth seemed to be lost on them, but some remembered it at His trial and burial (Mk 14:58; Mt 27:63).  Are we understanding properly the words of Jesus?  It is easy to see in them what justifies us rather than what we need to hear.