

Zealous for Good Works

“Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.” (Titus 2:14)š›

Zealous – Synonyms:  Fervent, eager, enthusiastic.   Zealous – Antonyms:  Casual, blasé, apathetic.š›

So which describes the intensity of our faith?  Those who have been Christians a long time risk taking for granted the purpose for which God has saved them.š›

How do we minimize this tendency?  One main suggestion: we must spend some portion of each day focusing on  things that truly matter.  It is easy to be distracted by the sheer volume of daily distractions:  care for the body (eating, bathing, sleeping, hair/make-up, etc.), financial duties (purchases, bills, taxes/investments, etc.), household chores (cleaning, repairs, yard work, etc.), job responsibilities (travel, work, overtime, etc.).  And then there’s social events, school issues, car care, pet problems … ok, you get the picture.  This describes the lives most of us are living.š›

These things can drain spiritual zeal and consume our attention.  A daily time for prayer/meditation on “bigger picture” issues can help keep us grounded in our true purpose.š›