


“You who seek God, let your heart revive!” (Psalm 69:32b)

Webster’s defines the term revival as, “an evangelistic meeting or series of meetings”, or in other words, “a gospel meeting.” That denotation should not be lost in light of unbiblical connotations in recent decades. In fact, the term revival is used some 27x in the NASB. The root provides an adequate base to begin from. To revive means to make or become fresh or strong again and is even used to describe an individual’s being raised from the dead (e.g. 1 Kings 17:22; 2 Kings 13:21). Other usages include physical uplifting due to recent traumatic events such as emotional turmoil or physical fasting (Genesis 45:27; Judges 15:19; 1 Samuel 30:12).

What is most captivating is the usage of the term in the OT poetic literature, particularly the Psalter. The term is used 17x in the composition with 11x being in Psalm 119. Revival is exclusively the result of God’s Word in the Psalms. The psalmists rejoice in their sustenance from the sweetness of its nectar; they are dependent on His commands and precepts for succor. They continually pour themselves out, begging for more and even more. The writers shout out to the Almighty God calling, “Revive us! Revive us!”

We are gathered in this place this weekend for revival. As we listen to the lessons Brother Hardin preaches, allow God’s Word to revive you, to lift your spirit ever higher. Allow that nectar to resurrect your spirit. Shake off the dust of this world and become anew intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically. Shout to the Lord and praise His holy name for granting us His most magnificent promises!