

The New Adam

The book of Romans is universally recognized as the most brilliant analysis of the divine plan. Martin Luther called the Epistle, “a gateway to heaven.” William Tyndale expanded this thought: “It is the principle and most excellent part of the New Testament...No man can read it too oft, or study it too well; for the more it is studied, the easier it is; the more it is chewed, the pleasanter it is…the more it is searched, the preciouser things are found…”

The book of Romans is so important because of its elucidation of assorted religious lingo like sanctification, justification, propitiation, and the like. Without Romans, our understanding of God’s plan would be founded mainly upon speculation and connections that we as uninspired men and women ought be careful not to nail down and publish as doctrine.

One of the more profound passages in Romans is found in chapter 5. In the chapter, Paul details the process and results of justification for the believer. As he accomplishes this herculean task, he draws a comparison between the first man, Adam, and the Son of Man, Jesus. Although both were sons of God (Mark 1:1; Luke 3:38), the results of each man are antithetically different.

Adam’s display of disobedience cost mankind a great deal and the consequence infused all mankind. Sin warped and twisted us through the temptation of appeasing our corrupt flesh. Because of that corruption, Adam brought death to us all because he opened the door for sin to ensnare each one of us in disobedience. As a result, death reigned in sin, as we became disobedient children.

Jesus, on the other hand, provides the antidote to Adam’s “gift” of death. Through His obedience as a son of God, He reversed the power of the curse brought in by Adam. He provided the free gift of divine grace as Adam’s antitype and quickened us in righteousness. Despite the grip of sin, Christ provided justification through the grace of God on our behalf. It is only fitting that we rejoice and vocalize, “Hallelujah, What A Savior!”