

More Desirable than Gold

They are more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb. (Psalm 19:10)

This familiar line from the 19th Psalm is recorded in the midst of a heavily saturated section of praise for God’s Word. In a similar, albeit condensed fashion, David accomplishes what the composer(s) of Psalm 119 set out to achieve – an eruption of matchless praise for the author of what the world dismisses as an outdated moral law code. 

Yet, Christians are given the Old Testament AND New Testament. The Psalmist recognizes the superior value of the Old Testament; how much more should we, as heirs of the unraveling of that mystery, praise God and extol Him? How much more should we desire His statutes and ordinances? The answer is clear.

God’s people are so fortunate. He has literally put “in black and white” what He desires. He wills that the world would universally commit itself to His law. And there is great reward for the observance of those truths (Ps. 19:11). How awesome to know that a passion for God’s Truth is rewarded! Take the time today to thank God for His ineffable gift of the Bible and be grateful for His clarity.