

A Joyful Celebration

Last week I was privileged to attend a Golden Anniversary party (50th) for Wilson and Carolyn Legg, Christians in Gettysburg, Pa. Everyone greeted them with smiles and applause as they were chauffeured in with their “NOT Just Married” sign on the car. Speeches were made, funny stories were told, a prayer was offered, good food was served and a Legg family slideshow was shown.

But what struck me the most about this celebration was the obvious love and devotion still in evidence between Wilson and Carolyn after 50 years of marriage. Wilson ventured a few words wherein he publicly affirmed his continuing love for Carolyn. Their son, Eddie, expressed his view that he always knew growing up the commitment and devotion that existed in his parents’ marriage. Children can sense this – or the lack of it – without even being conscious of what they are experiencing.

As I observed the proceedings, I was moved by the sense of pride I felt for Wilson and Carolyn, and I imagined that they must have been bursting with pride and satisfaction within themselves. They were surrounded by children, grandchildren, friends and brethren from different places, some of us newer acquaintances and others of longstanding. They could look back on travels, places of residence, Wilson’s airline career, numerous “full-immersion” hobbies (cows, roses, tropical fish, etc.), family anecdotes and all the threads that weave the tapestry of earthly life.

And all that made me think about a comment Eddie made in his speech for his parents. They didn’t necessarily foresee all the various facets of their life; they didn’t have specific goals all mapped out from the start. I’m sure they had goals, but the true reality of the future is beyond all of our foresight. What is important for all of us is to be committed to the Lord, seek to do His will in our lives, create relationships that are godly and supportive, and enjoy each day for the good it brings to us. This will open the door to the best this world has to offer.

What a wonderful sense of satisfaction and accomplishment to look back over 50 years of marriage – an increasing rarity given the high rate of divorce in our culture. Congratulations to the Leggs, and may we all strive for the day we can celebrate our Golden Anniversaries.