

Person Of The Week: Joshua

Joshua inherited the leadership of the Israelite people at a time of great challenge and opportunity. Poised on the east bank of the Jordan River, Israel had just experienced the death of both of its leaders, Moses and Aaron. Across the Jordan lied the land of promise -- and its warrior inhabitants who intended to defend their land at all costs. All those who would like to be a leader under these circumstances, raise your hand.

But for many years God had prepared Joshua for this moment. Joshua was Moses’ “right hand man” and was with him on Mt. Sinai (Ex. 24:13; 32:17). He was a watchman of the tabernacle (Ex. 33:11). Joshua was one of the twelve spies, and he, along with Caleb, lobbied hard to immediately enter the land and conquer it for God (Num. 14:6). For 40 years Joshua had studied the leadership of Moses and had seen the provisions of God. His apprenticeship was long and arduous, and Joshua was not a young man at the time of his accession.

Under Joshua’s leadership Israel invaded and conquered Canaan. The land was divided among the tribes and settled. But of all of Joshua’s great deeds and service, he is perhaps best remembered by his last words: “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve ... but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh. 24:15).