

Word Of The Week: Life

The mere existence of physical human life is a great joy. Think of rescued miners being reunited with family; soldiers returning safely from a war zone; or the comforting words “the surgery was a success.” We revere those who work hard and even put themselves in danger to save the lives of others.

But if this is true of physical life, how much more precious is eternal life? Our existence on this earth is but a fleeting moment compared with the eternity in the spiritual realm.

Last week’s word was death, and we observed that God has intervened to remove the dread of death. Ironically, He did that through death; He offered His Son as a substitute sacrifice on behalf of all humanity. But the result of that sacrifice is not only the avoidance of condemnation. It is also the opportunity to be in the presence of God and share in His glorious existence.

Our earthly life is infinitely better because of our fellowship with God, but that same fellowship carries us beyond this world. Living with God forever should be our driving motive each day.