

The Death of Natural Affection

“We are coming for your children!” 

That is not my opinion on the degenerate state of affairs in our society; rather, that was the chant of disgusting marchers in some recent PRIDE parades.  (June was PRIDE month, a misnomer if ever there was one.  No one should be proud of the filthy, raunchy displays on the streets of America over the past thirty days, including public nudity displayed on the grounds of the White House.  I can’t even describe in this article what sights were flaunted in front of children on parade routes with no interference from law enforcement or civic “leaders.”).

“We are coming for your children!” 

And I believe them.  The masks are off.  The closets are empty.  All you have to do is listen to what they are openly saying.  No subterfuge; no deceit; no smoke and mirrors.  Back in the olden days, when gay rights activists were beginning their push for acceptance in mainstream society, many warned it would eventually morph into pedophilia.  This was met with denial and indignant accusations of extremism and scaremongering. 

Yet here we are, learning new nomenclature to describe what used to be the ultimate taboo.  What was formerly a pedophile is now a MAP, “minor attracted person.”  When I Googled this term, the top hits were all articles supportive of MAPs.  They carefully distinguished between violent sex offenders and those with unexpressed attractions.  One website offered this apologetic:  “Many men and women seeking services at our project share feeling like this is an unchosen, unwanted condition that began in adolescence.  Some pedophiles also report significant trauma and arrested development at the age of which they find themselves attracted.  For more information about men and women who have pedophilia and who have NO desire to EVER harm a child, listen to our podcast …” (emphasis theirs). 

“We are coming for your children!” 

And while this overt declaration should place every parent of vulnerable, innocent children on high alert, many parents are willfully exposing their children to these wretched displays!  We have all seen the video clips of drag queens reading to children in public libraries as they sit on their mothers’ laps!  The same phenomenon is observed in the parade clips:  children exposed to the most vile displays on city streets as they sat with their parents who were laughing, pointing, even taking pictures of and selfies with these perverts.  What used to be criminal behavior (or perhaps still is, at least “on the books”) is now not just ignored but celebrated. 

And if that isn’t shocking enough, Kevin Pulliam shared a video of a local denomination that was celebrating LGBTQia+ as the main feature of their Sunday worship.  In the clip a drag queen was brought to the front of the “sanctuary” where “she” was praised for “her” gender confusion by the female “pastor.”  She glowingly explained to the children, who were seated in the floor all around the DQ, that they might see “Sally” next week dressed as “Stephen” – sans wig, makeup, dress, high heels, purse – and how wonderful and natural this was.  The children’s parents were seated behind them.  Folks, you can’t make this up; no one would believe you.

“We are coming for your children!” 

And it’s not just the fringe acronymic people; it’s the school boards and NEA who are telling us – again forthrightly – that parents surrender their rights as soon as the children walk through the school doors.  It is the teachers and administrators who are counseling gender transition, using cross-gender names and hiding it all from the parents.  While you may flinch at the word “conspiracy,” this is a concerted effort by school officials, doctors, medical and pharmaceutical companies, courts, legislatures and athletic bodies to supplant parental rights and responsibilities.  So, call it whatever you like, but the bottom line is that the most vulnerable and helpless in this country are being targeted and victimized – not just in private, but out in the open.  Listen to them!  They are telling you what they are doing!  Believe them!

But none of this could happen without the death of natural affection.  One of the closest bonds in human relationships is that of parent-child, in particular a birth mother and her offspring.  Even in the animal world, one knows not to get between a “mama bear” and her cubs.  The instinct to protect, feed and teach the young is displayed from orcas to orangutans to owls to otters.  But it ought to be most highly developed in humans, who not only share a physical bond with their offspring but a deeply emotional and spiritual connection.  The most stoic of men break down when holding their newborn; a mother experiences her child in a way no father can even imagine – a child that grew within her own body, who heard its mother’s muffled heartbeat and voice long before it saw the light of day.  Both physical and social sciences are beginning to explore the very real, undeniable biological connection between a birth mother and her child.  So strong is it that children who are born via in vitro and adopted by the most loving parents often long to find and know their birth parents.   

And yet this powerful bond is being undermined.  In Romans 1 Paul described the moral degeneracy of the Gentile world plagued by darkened and futile thoughts (1:21).  Natural affection and intimacy were abandoned for “vile passions,” and their debased minds embraced “things which are not fitting” (1:26-28).  In 1:31 Paul uses a term that is not clear in the NKJV.  The word is “unloving” and translates the Gk. term astorgos, which Vine defines as “without natural affection (a, negative, and storge, ‘love of kindred,’ especially of parents for children …”).  In other words, one of the marks of a degenerate society is the loss of a parent’s natural affection for their child.  We are now watching this play out in public.    

Our society is reaping the whirlwind of abortion, divorce, fatherless homes, subsidizing out-of-wedlock pregnancies – all the things that we have set in place to undermine natural affection.  This has opened the door to predators – whether in lab coats, suits and ties, or sitting in a dark room surfing the web – who are hunting for children to co-opt for their own nefarious purposes.  Not to mention the gangs and drugs and pornography and other moral evils that are preying on our children.  And many parents are completely oblivious as the devil who, having drugged them into a selfish stupor, is snatching their precious children from their laps while they laugh.  And if you think this is only happening someplace else, to someone else, it is past time to wake up: 

“We are coming for your children!”