

Pure and Undefiled Religion

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. (James 1:27)

God deeply cares about those in distress. If that were not the case, none of us could have the hope that Jesus’ death provides (Rom. 5:6). A quick survey through the Old Testament or New Testament will tell us as much.

But God not only cares about the spiritual wellbeing of His children but also the physical wellbeing of His creation. That balance is seen in the verse cited above.

We are often quick to jump on the anti-institutional defense when we hear this verse (and rightly so in some cases); yet, do we really comprehend the duty that God has given to all of us? How often do we visit orphans and widows? (Literally or in the sense of tending to their needs) Can you sincerely claim that as a focus in your spiritual walk? Reflecting in honesty, this writer sees a deficit. Maybe it’s time that we reevaluate this verse and reevaluate ourselves to see if we have a pure and undefiled religion. Let us make sure that our relationship with God is not merely a façade of attendance at worship and study.