

The Chicken or the Egg?

The question of ultimate origin is the naturalist’s worst nightmare.  The Bible begins very plainly and simply:  “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  Naturalism says, “In the beginning … we have no idea whatsoever, but we do have many baseless speculations that cause us to completely disbelieve in any divine creative power.”

Actually, what most naturalists say is that the question doesn’t matter; they just bypass it altogether.  Well, I guess that’s just what one does when he realizes that his cherished theory has a fatal flaw.

Some try to explain the present state of things by postulating a “Big Bang,” that the present form and substance of the universe is the result of a cosmic explosion some 15 billion years ago.  Now, if you want to experience a Big Bang, just try and imagine all the matter of the universe being compressed into a single particle the size of an electron.  BOOM!  That was the sound of your brain exploding.  Naturalists think creationists are loony and naïve for believing in God, yet they expect us to accept – on the basis of ever-changing speculations without a shred of solid evidence – that the billions of stars in each of the billions of galaxies in the universe were once just one, tiny particle. 

But that’s not the real problem.  The real problem is:  Where did this all-encompassing particle come from?  The naturalist demands to be granted his little particle so that he can then begin his baseless speculations on what happened to it and how it gradually became the universe we now observe without any directed developmental process.  And they think Christians believe in fairy tales?

So, consider these other chicken and egg questions:

1) Which came first … intelligence, or non-intelligence?  The naturalist answers:  “Non-intelligence.  In the beginning there was only matter, and intelligence evolved on its own.”  But in all things that can be scientifically observed and tested, isn’t it true that intelligence comes from intelligence?  Regardless of the fantasy worlds of Tolkien and Lewis where animals and trees and inanimate objects communicate, what we humans know is that intelligent life begets intelligent life.  Homo sapiens are the only form of life to display advanced intelligence.  If evolution/naturalism were true, wouldn’t you think by now that other elements of the physical universe would have developed advanced intelligence?  The creationist answers:  “Intelligence came first:  the eternal God created intelligence and bestowed it upon His special creation: man.”

2) Which came first … life, or non-life?  The naturalist answers:  “Non-life.  In the beginning there were only non-living chemicals, and life suddenly sprang from random combinations of these chemicals.”  Again, is this what can be scientifically observed and tested?  Has such been witnessed?  The mathematical odds alone against non-living chemicals forming into amino acids and proteins and a simple organism that is reproducible from the outset are staggeringly contradictory to logical possibility.  The creationist answers:  “Life came first:  the eternally existing God created living things.”  Thus, God came first, who then created life (the chicken – fifth day) and intelligence (man – the sixth day).