

Meditations of the Heart (Ps. 14:1)

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” (Ps 14:1)š›

Atheists reject God for many reasons:  a) some think belief in God is intellectual pap; b) others have a cursory belief in Him but do not want their lifestyles infringed upon; c) still others may reject God because of deeply imbedded bitterness due to life’s inequities.

The bottom line of all forms of atheism:  they are foolishness.  A fool continues to believe his own thoughts regardless of evidence to the contrary.  He may be proven wrong over and over again, yet he blindly and stubbornly remains committed to his error.  Why?  Because he wants to believe what he wants to believe.

Unfortunately, the psalm continues to say there are many people just like this:  “They have all turned aside, they have together become corrupt; there is none who does good, no, not one” (14:3; cf. Rom 3:12).

The wise, on the other hand, acknowledge God and enjoy the bliss of such belief.  Unbelief inevitably leads to misery and the ultimate rejection of the atheist by God.