

He Loved Them To The End

On the night of Jesus' arrest, He arranged to eat the Passover with His disciples, the “last supper” as it is commonly known. John comments on this occasion: “Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end” (John 13:1).

This last phrase may be taken as “to the greatest extent” (i.e., to die for them) or “to His final end” (i.e., until He died). In either case, it is descriptive of an astounding love that Jesus maintains for His disciples during the most traumatic time that anyone can face – His last moments on earth before an agonizing death.

And who did He love? Self-centered glory-seekers who bickered over power structure, completely oblivious to what He was about to suffer. Friends who would abandon Him, run away like scared kids when He would be arrested. Disciples who were dull of understanding, though He had tirelessly taught them day by day. Those who seemed to give Jesus so little – He loved them to the end.

Jesus used His last hours with them to set an example of service, warn them of betrayal, establish the Lord’s supper, promise them the comfort and assistance of the Holy Spirit, assure them that they will be with Him one day in the future, inform them of the persecution that they will endure, reveal His lofty expectations for them, etc. He told the truth, acted with compassion, encouraged and warned, and gave them hope and strength.

And the takeaway for us: Jesus feels this way about us! Yes, the apostles had a special role, but we also know that God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). That is, He cares for all people equally. There are no “free passes” or special treatment for certain ones. He loves you and me like He did the apostles and will be patient with us in our failures. We will not outlive God’s patience; He will love us “to the end.”