

Person Of The Week: Nicodemus

Nicodemus was a member of the high Jewish council, the Sanhedrin. Most of these officials were vehemently opposed to Jesus, but Nicodemus came to Jesus “by night” to learn more about him. Since it is noted three times that he came by night (John 3:2; 7:50 and 19:39), we can rest assured that this was not merely incidental. He was afraid for others to know he was interested in Jesus.

Nicodemus had to walk a fine line between his high station as a Jewish leader and a deeper sense that Jesus was someone of great significance. In John 7:45-52, Nicodemus ventured to make a weak statement in defense of Jesus and was immediately rebuked and belittled by his colleagues.

It was not until the death of Jesus that Nicodemus found the courage to make a public stand. He and another council member, Joseph, requested permission to bury the body of Jesus (John 19:38-42). Nicodemus shows the stress that many feel in standing up for Jesus. That expression of faith often comes with a price. What are you willing to suffer for the One who died to save your soul?