

Word Of The Week: Repent

Our guest evangelist, Phillip Mullins, is speaking in our 10:30 a.m. slot on “Change Your Thinking” and our 5 p.m. assembly on “Change Your Talk.” Meaningful spiritual change rests on the concept of “repentance,” a change of thought or attitude followed by a change of behavior.

Such change usually comes from serious reflection on one’s life. Perhaps a scare or a tragedy or monumental failure shakes our sense of well-being and we are sent reeling. In such times the crucial need is to seek God, to contemplate how our present situation impacts our relationship with Him.

When we see a need for change and we are serious about undertaking that change, we are in the process of repenting. I say “process” because effective change takes a great deal of effort, clear thinking, proper motivation, dependence upon God and perseverance (among other things).

Change is not easy for a variety of reasons, but the heart that wants to please God more than anything else will seek the help that He gives to make effective change. And change we must: “Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish” (Luke 13:3).