

Word Of The Week: Worship

Worship of God involves both mental and physical action. It begins with awe and reverence toward God for who and what He is as our creator and redeemer.

The more we learn about God, the more awestruck we are at His infinite power, His compassionate love and His generous goodness toward us.  Because of God’s nature and character, we should experience a corresponding desire to interact with Him and to express our heartfelt love for and devotion to Him.

But mental activity is not the whole of worship. We must follow through with action that conforms to His desire for our worship. That is, we are not free to offer anything we wish to God and call it worship. This is how many attempt to worship God today.

Instead, we must listen to God as He reveals Himself in His word and learn how He expects to be worshiped. God historically has taken a dim view of those who worship Him however they choose (Lev. 10:1-3; Mal. 1:8).

Jesus said, “True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him” (John 4:23). With our inner thoughts and obedience to God’s will we offer Him the adoration that He alone deserves.